Conclusion psycometrics


Psychometric testing has evolved to become an essential tool for modern talent management. By leveraging advanced models like HEXACO and ensuring rigorous development and validation processes, assessments like the TQ Personality Questionnaire provide valuable insights into candidate and employee traits. 

Organizations can thus make better-informed decisions, ultimately enhancing their workforce’s performance and alignment with business and personal goals and growth.

Now we have come to the end of this chapter, the chapter about the psychometrics behind personality.

What have we learned? Well – it is possible to measure personality through personality questionnaires, but it should not be seen as an answer key, but rather as a piece of a puzzle. Personality is complex and consists of many factors, for example, what motivates you, your values, your experiences, your knowledge, and more. Both things that are visible on the surface and things that are not.

TQ Nordic’s tools use the HEXACO model, which is an extension of the Big 5 model. HEXACO includes 6 dimensions, each containing different personality traits.

Then we have talked about validity and reliability, where a test needs to have high validity and reliability to be reliable.